Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Money matters

People think that it is money that destroys relationship and even people. They compare today's scenario with that of the ancient's wherein there is no really a concept of money, just exchange of goods and services, no currency, no exact value at all.

However, we can not deny the fact that the evolution of technology, the development of one's mind to imagine more and the varying changes are the reasons why do these things happen and differ greatly from the past. Money is not really the root cause, it is just a stimuli of man's attitudes just like greed.

In a family, the husband and the wife usually fight over financial issues especially when the husband lost his job or has low salary which is not enough to feed his family. Within friends who are also business partners, their relationship is affected when they argue about the financial aspects of the business. Usually, shoplifters say that they are stealing because they have no money to buy it and robbers also steal because they need the money it costs. Some kids drop out of school because of lack of financial assistance. Most children complain about their parents who are always at work and these parents just want to give their children everything they need. These children said that they need their parents more than their money.

Financial problems are varying but the main subject is money. They say that money can not make you happy. Maybe not the money itself... but if you spend it well and right, you will be satisfied. Happiness can be cheap but cheap does not mean no cost at all. Indeed, money matters to us but just be careful in using it. It can destroy you or relationships if you let it do so.

Within longing and missing

I miss that day when he was so smiling sweetly while gently holding my hand... I miss his scent which I guess still lingers in my mind... I miss his cute and smiling face that made my heart jumped for joy and excitement. I miss him and I miss the girl he was loving, I mean the girl he used to love and cared for.

Those may be my thoughts three years ago when I was not still able to move on... Moving on seems so easy to say yet very difficult to do, so easy to advice to others but very hard to advice to yourself. They say that your first love is unforgettable. It is indeed true but for me it is unforgettable because I have learned to correct my mistakes through that past heartache. I have realized that hurt and pain are not that bad after all. You may think that the world has turned its back on you when you felt your greatest heartache but you may not be aware that the heaven is only making a way for you to experience the real happiness.

I am happy for the sweet things happening to me. I must thank him for teaching me the lessons I never expected, may it be bitter or sweet...I must also thank him for hurting me because I might not have met this person I truly value now if he had not done it. Today, I miss this guy who wiped my tears and made me realize how beautiful it is to love and be loved. He may be far away physically but I know that he will always be with me, with my heart.

Learning Experience

We are in the classroom since pre-school to elementary to secondary then college or tertiary. Our knowledge and skills evolved from the simple ABC's and counting 1, 2, 3. As we became older, we learn more and more things not only from teachers and books but also from classmates and friends. We also learn that there is more learning outside the four walls of the classroom and that application can be done best in real life situations. We realize that the score or grade you get in every exam or in every subject is not really the measurement of your knowledge and understanding.

In the university, there are students who failed in the subject not because of failed exams but due to excessive absences. However, there are professors who do not check for attendance and in case like this, there are students who get high grades even without attending the class regularly provided that he or she will take the exam and submit the requirements. Thus there are countless ways of enjoying and striving in college.

We are learners and will always be students even after we receive our college diploma. There is more to learn outside the campus and more mistakes to commit in our lives. Yet the challenge is, how can we practice what we learn? Experience is the best teacher as an old adage says.