Friday, November 7, 2008


Sometimes, we just love our friends so much that we do not even care whether they feel the same way too. There are also cases wherein we are too callous not to feel that we have hurt a friend and our words are more than enough to break friendship. Breakups are normal in boy-girl relationship, petty tiffs are also normal to any relationship. But... are breakups also normal in a friendship?

Have you ever felt it when all along you thought they were your friends only to find out that they were just using you? In a novelty song, it has been said that the so-called friends are just there when you have the money they needed. They will leave you when you have nothing. In times like this, it is hard to trust those type of friends anymore. The friendship can be revived but not the closeness, there is that gap called uncertainty.

We have lots of friends but only few are true and are willing to be there for you in your worst moments. We can not choose who we knew but we can always choose who we will get along with... Take care of your precious friends and cherish the friendship.

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